मंगलवार, 14 अगस्त 2012

Grow Champa / Frangipani ( Plumeria ) From Cuttings

Frangipani , Hindi name is CHAMPA , is a flowering tree. This tree native to warm tropical areas and can grow easily in India. It has very fragrant white flowers with yellow centers. They cam be easily propagate through stem cutting.

Take a 5-6 inch thick cutting from a healthy tree. and plant it in well drained soil. You can also plant it in pot.

Here is a picture of my cutting that i took in march month and plant it in a pot.

frangipani plumeria champafrangipani champa plumeria

April 13, 2011
March 09, 2011

Frangipani is one of the plants that can be easily propagate through stem cutting. I used soil, sand and manure as potting mix in 1:2:1 ratio.

champa plumeria frangipani

April 09, 2011

This picture is exact one month after planting the cutting. And here we can see new growth.

champa plumeria frangipani

champa plumeria frangipani

Now here i am pretty sure that my cutting is successfull. Here are Two New Big leaves and small other tiny leaves.

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